Celebrating Culture with MG
Maria MGBlack History Month Nail Artist Spotlight: @pressedbydemi
In honor of Black History Month, we are celebrating incredible industry innovators, nail passionates, technicians and sharing their stories. It’s also a time to celebrate Black Culture through stunning Nail Art!
In this edition of our series, we are highlighting @polish.d_. A lover of fashion, patterns and textured clean looks, Demi Moore is a passionate nail lover who is self-taught. When she's not painting manis, you'll find embracing, celebrating and expressing being a black woman freely!
Inspiration is everywhere! ❤️

Your nail art is amazing! What inspires you? Thank you, I find inspiration everywhere. Fashion is a big inspiration; great for pattern and texture. Art, I like to take inspiration from paintings and graphic design. Nature is amazing and has endless amounts of inspiration. I am also inspired by my peers daily.
Have you ever considered growing your passion into a nail tech career? I have thought of becoming a licensed nail technician, but I really enjoy it as a hobby that I get to do daily and continue learning and growing.
What were your biggest barriers you have to overcome in your life? I have a terrible habit of being in my way. Letting worries and doubts dictate what I can achieve. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemies. It is, for sure, something I work on every day.
What’s your favorite Madam Glam shade? I love “Dreaming of Iceland” because it is stunning and sheer on its own and makes an excellent base for any nail art!
Is the feedback you received on your social media platforms important for you? Yes and no. When the content I create is received well or when I receive constructive criticism is when feedback has importance to me. When people are being negative(because there is always one person) is when I don’t pay it any mind.
In the nail industry, where Black women are a part of the minority in terms of nail techs and salon owners, can you expand on what that means to you and your nail passion? Sometimes, that means we get overlooked and don’t get presented with opportunities as others, but that makes me work harder and pushes me to be more creative.
Do you have any advice for someone as passionate as you when it comes to nail art and nails? Yes, do and try all that you dream up. Even if it is something new or challenging, try it anyway. Practice makes perfect, and we all have to start somewhere! I am also a big believer in doing what you have until you can upgrade.
What's your favorite nail system to work with and why? Do you have any tips for using this system? Hard gel has been a savior for me with being protective for my nails and retaining natural length. I would have to say, work in thin layers and take your time because it can go bad very quickly. I have learned the hard way.
What are some of the best moments you lived as a Black Nail Art Passionate? I enjoy just being able to create and do what I love daily, and I get to express myself and celebrate being a creative black woman freely.

💅 https://www.instagram.com/pressdbydemi/
Madam Glam
💅 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madam_glam/