Madam Glam x Jake Warden
Maria MG“Shall we all open our heart to be a forever home for lost pets.”
Madam Glam is delighted to announce that, this month, we’re sending love & help to an animal shelter supported by Jake Warden and will make a donation to Longmont Humane Society.
Jake Warden is an American YouTuber who took over the world by storm. In December 2013, Jake launched his YouTube channel. The bubbly star takes a strong passion to things such as makeup and fashion and the love for these things is accompanied by a humorous personality.
The charity we are donating is called Longmont Humane Society, based in Colorado, United States.
LHS has come a long way since 1972. More than 4,000 animals come through its doors every year, and more than 2,000 find loving, permanent new homes with the help of more than 80 staff members – including a behavioral team to work specifically with dogs – and some 800 volunteers. Another 800 pets are reunited with their families, and many more are transferred to other shelters. The veterinary staff performs nearly 1,500 spay or neuter surgeries a year for shelter animals and another 1,500 for public animals helping to address the problem of pet overpopulation.
“Although change has been made, the focus of caring for the animals has not. In 2017, we celebrated 45 years of service to the people and animals of the community, and we continue to grow forward.” - Longmont Humane Society
"When Jake offered us to support Longmont Humane Society, we did not hesitate for one second. As a Cruelty-Free company, we need to influence to bring animal testing for cosmetics to an end worldwide. I’m confident that by working together with Longmont Humane Society, we can raise awareness and help bring an end to cosmetics testing on animals." said Youri Vaisse, General Manager of Madam Glam.
💅 https://www.instagram.com/jakewarden/?igshid=f4fymsww2ya1
💅 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMYXusJ8Tcocq3AtT23T0eA
Longmont Humane Society
💅 https://www.longmonthumane.org/
💅 https://www.instagram.com/longmonthumanesocietyofficial/
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