MG X Utah Nail Expo 2022
Maria MGThe Utah Nail Expo is a place for nail technicians to shop for professional products from many different types of vendors. Acrylic, hard gel, gel polish, manicures, pedicures, nail art, towels – all represented in one location. It is a great opportunity for both brand educators, as well as brand creators to learn as much as you can about products that will fit with you!
Madam Glam's team, together with Lauren, Abby, Carli and Ashley represented the brand during the Nail Show for the first time, ever!
Ashley @ajlnails: “Working for Madam Glam at the Utah Nail Expo was such an incredible experience! It’s so humbling being in a room with so many talented artists. Madam Glam is such a great brand (my favorite), I’m honored I was picked to represent them at their very first expo!”
Lauren @inspobynails: “I was absolutely thrilled to represent Madam Glam at the Utah Nail Expo. I was not sure what to expect since this was their very first show…. ever! We could not have picked a nicer show to start. Everyone there was beyond nice and I was so thrilled to meet some virtual nail friends in person! I was also thrilled to work with our amazing influencers Abby, Ashley and Carli. It was way too much fun and I hope to see everyone again next year!”
Carli @naillovebycarli: “Going to the Utah Nail Expo with Madam Glam was amazing, it showed me how incredible the brand was (which I already knew by experience). The excitement Utah had for Madam Glam and the amazing products they have was something I loved seeing! I loved being with Lauren, Ashley, & Abby and I hope we get to go to another nail expo again together with Madam Glam!”
Abby @abbydoesnails: “Representing Madam Glam at the expo was an amazing opportunity! The pros were SO excited to be able to see the product in person. It was incredible to see the response from the community here in Utah. Demo-ing the product and working with other phenomenal nail techs was definitely the highlight of the experience.”
See you next, year!
Madam Glam
💅 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madam_glam/